So this past week my dad went up north to school. Well this was when the muzzle loader hunt was, and Garrett had a tag. Well he asked me to take him hunting so I said yes. On Monday I took Garrett hunting. I didn't think we'd see much because it had been raining all day long and was really cloudy and looked like it was going to rain some more, but he wanted to go so I took him. I took him where I went bow hunting a few times and I saw a lot of does. So we parked the Jeep and started hiking up the hills. Once we got up there we started to see a lot of does and fawns. We probably was at least forty. Well it was about 6:15 and I told Garrett we'd wait 15 more minutes then get in the Jeep and ride around if we didn't see anything else. By this time is was starting to sprinkle. Well we saw about four does behind us and Garrett saw one going into the trees. I saw a deer below her and asked him what it was. He looked at me and said, "Sadie that's a pretty good buck." So I told him if he wanted it to go ahead and shoot it. So he did. The deer dropped! Mostly because it was paralyzed ha ha. So I called my mom and said we'd be a while because Garrett hit a deer. Then we looked for the deer for about 15 minutes, and finally found it. So it was still alive but paralyzed still ha ha, so I told Garrett he'd have to shoot it in the neck, so he did. We didn't even need to slit the throat, but we did because that's part of the procedure. Well Garrett started gutting the deer, but he was trying to cut everything out all nice, so finally I just said I'll do it and I gutted the deer. Then we had to drag it for about a mile! It was the LONGEST mile of my life! Not only was the deer heavy, but it was raining and we were soaked clear through our clothes. So we finally got it to the Jeep and my dad called Sean to come help us, so he came. Thank you Sean for all the help!!! Well this whole thing took us about two hours! When we got home we were tired, sore, wet, and on the verge of hypothermia. But it was so much fun. Congrats Garret!!
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